Where Do You Find Your Strength?

This week in my yoga classes I've been focusing on strength.

Not just physical strength, but also mental and emotional strength as well. They all work together. And yoga can help us develop more of each one.

It has really gotten me to think about just how many places strength can come from - from physical exercise; from meditation, yoga, prayer and other contemplative and spiritual practices; from the natural world; from the support of loved ones and the bonds of community; from believing in our intrinsic worth, value and ability; from self-care in all its many forms; from ritual and routine; from rest; from taking a break; from a refreshing change of scenery; from letting go of negative self-talk; from service; from offering random acts of kindness; from spending time in the fresh open air; from silence and stillness; from surrender and letting go of all our struggle and striving and allowing ourselves to just be.

And so much more.

I found a beautiful meditation using the imagery of a mountain - and all its stability, strength, steadiness, vitality, majestic presence, peacefulness, and forbearance - the way it just remains there, strong and steady, regardless of the weather, the storms, the sun, whoever walks upon it or whether anyone comes to see it at all... I have really been enjoying it and and have found exceptionally beneficial.

If you have the Insight Timer app, it is called Sitting Like a Mountain, by Dr. Julien Lacaille. I highly recommend it! Or you can just bring the image of a mountain to mind - and open yourself up to feeling whatever qualities most inspire you about that image within your own being.

Where do you find strength? And how will you tap into that strength today?

May you believe in you.

May you find the strength within to face whatever challenge you might meet this day.

May you be happy.

In Peace,


“Where Do You Find Your Strength” image by Jane Bodle