“It is never too late to turn on the light. ”
If we really want change in our lives, we must do so from the inside out.
Are you feeling stressed? Less than satisfied with your life? Depleted?
Disconnected from a deeper sense of purpose?
The busy-ness of modern-day life often leaves us stressed, anxious and/or out of touch with ourselves and others and/or the work we do in the world.
Meditation and mindfulness practices can help us to relieve our stress, find greater peace and happiness, and increase our energy for and enjoyment of life. These practices can help you to:
Treat yourself—and others—with greater kindness and compassion
Effectively handle stress and reduce anxiety
Find clarity, focus, and energy
Elevate your emotional wellbeing and intelligence
Boost self-confidence and courage
Connect more deeply to yourself, others, and your purpose in life
Improve relationships
More successfully weather change and challenges
Enhance your concentration and memory
Increase your physical well-being in a whole host of ways, from improved circulation to greater immunity to better sleep and more.
What is Mindfulness Meditation?
Mindfulness meditation—also called vipassana or awareness meditation—is the practice of learning how to be present to whatever it is that is going on in our lives—both within us and around us. When we learn to do so, we can then respond in wiser, more peaceful ways to life’s challenges—and more deeply embrace its joys as well.
Regular meditation practice frees us from the habitual patterns of thought and behavior, and helps us to respond with wisdom—instead of react—to life and all it holds.
Who Is Meditation For?
Meditation is for anyone who wants to live in a deeper way. Or feel less stress. Or find more satisfaction with and/or joy in life. Or develop greater compassion—for oneself and others. Or become more physically and/or emotionally healthy. And so much more. People come to meditation for all kinds of reasons.
If you can breathe, you can meditate. You do not have to have an hour each day. In fact, studies have shown that as little as 5 minutes a day can make a difference. Of course, though, like all practices, the more time you dedicate to your practice, the greater the benefits. But don’t let lack of time stop you from starting. Even 5 minutes a day is good.
meditation instruction
Meditation is not complicated—but it can be challenging. Having both guidance and community can be extremely important—and make your experience much more valuable—and enjoyable.
Learning to meditate and/or deepening our practice in a supportive group environment with an experienced instructor can make all the difference. I offer a 6-week meditation course for women periodically throughout the year, as well as monthly gatherings. The course focuses on connecting to the breath and body, techniques for calming the mind, and working with feelings and emotions. These practices lead to a new and wiser relationship with ourselves, others, and the world at large.
I am also available for personal consultation and instruction.
sangHa / community
Coming together with others on the path is viewed in almost all spiritual traditions as an important aspect of our growth. I facilitate monthly mindfulness meditation gatherings for women - the third Thursday* of every month - that allow us to come together to share our successes, as well as our challenges, to ask questions, and to practice together in community.
The Sanskrit word sangha is often used to refer to these community gatherings and simply denotes a community of friends who practice together in order to bring about and to maintain awareness.
If you are interested in attending this sangha, please check my calendar. Just click on the the corresponding event on any third Thursday* of the month for complete info.
*Please check my calendar to verify specific sangha dates as there may be occasional exceptions to the usual third Thursday occurrence of this event.
Cover photo by Cindy Novelo (Trout Lake Abbey, Trout Lake, WA)